keskiviikko 28. elokuuta 2013


Onko ihmisistä tullut vainoharhaisempia ja ankeita? Kaikki jaetaan internetissä.
Suru, ilo ja vessassa käyntien määrä. Miten ketään voi enään ottaa vakavasti tuntuu kuin kaikki ne Facebookissa olevat "ystävät" olisivat ihan jotain random populaa jota tapaat baarin vessa jonossa.

Mihin on kadonnut se että, joku soittaa ja kysyy vointia tai pyytää extemporee kahville? Ei sellaista olekkaan kun vain parin hyvin läheisen kanssa. 

Kauhean monen on vaikea laittaa tekstiksi millä tavalla tuntee tai kirjoittaa omalla tavallaan. Facebook on laiskan ihmisen puhelin ja välinpitämättömän ihmisen epätoivoinen todiste itselleen ystävien olemassa olosta.

Minä joskus laitan biisejä tai piirtämiäni kuvia facebookkiin saatan tylsyyttäni pelata facebook pelejä mutten niinkään kommunikoi sitä kautta vaan haluan myös tuntea nämä ihmiset tai ainakin osan ihmisistä netin ulkopuolella mutta, kauhean moni on muuttunut "Face tutuiksi", Random ihmisiksi.

Tuntuu että, nykyään valitetaan enemmän kuin, annetaan muiden auttaa. Jos jollain on oikeasti asiat huonosti ja laittaa nyt siitä Facebookkiin tai twitteriin "rikoin jalkani en tule koskaan kävelemään kunnolla" auttaisiko tätä henkilöä todella se että, "50 random face tuttua tykkää tästä" tai "100 seuraa tätä twiittiä".
Häntä luultavasti auttaisi enemmän jos joku näistä 50 tai sadasta soittaisi ja kysyisi miten voi voinko tulla piipahtamaan?, Voisinko tarjota kahvit?, Tarvitsetko seuraa?

Minä lähinnä olen ihminen joka käy läpi asiat musiikkia kuunnellen, jos olen vihainen pelaan vihan pois ja rauhoitun. Piirrän kun ahdistaa, surettaa tai naurattaa. Kaikki mitä pistän paperille muistan mikä on ollut tunne sitä piirtäessä tai kirjoittaessa.

Välillä harmittaa että, kun yrittää pitää ystäväsuhdetta niin se meneekin niin että, toisella ei ole aikaa tai kiinnostusta siihen vaan olettaa että, olet ainoa joka pitää yhteyttä.
Kukaan ei ole niin kiireinen että, ei voisi ottaa yhteyttä jos vain haluaa kaverisuhteen tai ystävyysuhteen.

Minä en ole katkera tai pitkävihainen en jaksa sellaista koska, elämä on yllättävän lyhyt jotta voisit kantaa kaunaa.

When Someone loses person even thought there haven't been any communication in long time, Or there has been something that destroyed the relationship, is it wrong to feel sadness after the person has perished?

Now days Everyone is putting everything on internet why cant you go to the grave with the flowers and some fucking note for the passed person if you actually cared?

I have been reading messages whole day that everyone who knew him is wishing he is happy in heaven and so on...But then there is the people who were much closer to him and they attack these people with badly chosen words, because they are sending "sorry for the loss."

When I got to that point where people are fighting who cares more and who doesn't, who knows more,  I realized that people can't appreciate sad thoughts from people who don't know the passed person well or something else. Is it now days some kind of sick race; "I knew him better, you didn't even know his favorite color"  "He hated you"

Wtf people, It isn't a race, it's humanity to show some fucking respect even though the old relationship had been destroyed for some reason or you only knew the person by name. When we lose someone we hope we had done something better for that person maybe he would still be alive.... If I had been there.

Or is this something that came with the social networking no one actually knows anyone but the behave that they know all their "followers" "friends" because their names are showing in the lists on your site?
 In internet/facebook/twitter...

Suicide took my old friend, even though I am strong I don't even dare to put that I might feel sadness for the people who knew my old friend better now days. They are in grief they might act in anger and be mad at me for not knowing the guy anymore and because of that I am telling it to all you random people who is reading this if someone says you can't feel sad for someone you had known for example only 2 days it's okay it's normal, Because there is always the "what if I had known him/her longer could I have prevented this from happening.

Maybe at this situation it will take longer for me to actually realise that he is gone forever, Or I might be just dealing with the situation bit differently or I am horrible person who can't feel a thing?

 This differently dealing with the situation might be because I can't actually remember anymore why we fell apart and didn't keep company to each other anymore, we didn't call to each other anymore. We just said "hello" when we randomly met, but never asked "how are you?"

When I know where he is buried I will take one game (guilty gear X 2) and place it to his grave with the note "Thanks for playing and being my friend for long time before we fell apart"
I showed him the game we used to play it at my place when we were teenagers. I still remembered how he was talking about me to his friends that I was unbeatable in the game and he was grateful that I introduced the game for him.

I am glad that I knew him at the time we had, Of Course I am sad  because I didn't have more time.

You find yourself in mirror
You know yourself through life you lived
Everyday is adventure closer to end

Live with and Love with
Those so close
Show them what you can do
See what they can do

Don't judge if you don't want to be judged

You will get what you deserve
Don't hate because someone shows you hate
Hate is just shorter word for disrespect